Fee Systems

HYCHAIN charges fees for various systems used by partner games. These fees are collected by the HYCHAIN Foundation. They are used to support the operation of the gasless relayer, and sparingly used to grant strategic ecosystem funding.
Various systems provided by HYCHAIN incorporate specific fees. Below are examples of systems and the fees they entail.
Please remember, these fees may be subject to adjustment as HYCHAIN determines necessary in order to create and maintained a overall balanced ecosystem over time.
Fiat/Cash Onramps
HYCHAIN imposes a 5% fee on all $USDC onboarded through our FIAT/Cash onramp. This fee is automatically converted into $TOPIA using the $TOPIA<>$USDC liquidity pool and then transferred to the HYCHAIN Foundation.
$TOPIA Pair Liquidity Pools
HYCHAIN enables the creation of liquidity pools between $TOPIA and tokens of partner games, enforcing a 5% fee for converting from $TOPIA to any other token. This fee, collected as $TOPIA, is then transferred to the HYCHAIN Foundation. Conversions back to TOPIA from the partner token by default do not incur a fee.
Marketplace & Player-to-Player Trading
A standard fee of 5% is applied to all transactions within the marketplace and player-to-player trades. This is commonly referred to as secondary markets or secondary trading. This fee may occasionally be reduced or removed for specific partners in unique cases at the discretion of HYCHAIN. These transactions typically use $USDC and $TOPIA but can involve any network token with an active $TOPIA pair liquidity pool. Fees collected in tokens other than $TOPIA are converted back to $TOPIA through the swap pool before being sent to the HYCHAIN Foundation.
1st Party Mints & Content Sales
For all first-party content sales and mints, a default 10% fee is imposed. This fee may occasionally be reduced or removed for specific partners in unique cases at the discretion of HYCHAIN. While these sales and mint transactions usually involve $TOPIA, they can also be conducted with any network token that has an active $TOPIA pair liquidity pool. Fees collected in alternate tokens are converted to $TOPIA through the pair liquidity pool and deposited into the HYCHAIN Foundation.
Network Fees
Transactions on HYCHAIN require $TOPIA for network gas fees, with 25% of these fees reserved for node operator rewards and the remaining 75% directed back to the HYCHAIN Foundation.
Updated about 1 year ago